Women's Philanthropy

Discover How Women Give

Growing Women's Philanthropy


Fundraisers across the United States are extremely adept at raising over $400B each year. Thanks to years of experience and professional training, approaches to cultivating donors and prospects who care about the organizations they serve are well-honed and do result in substantial revenue. However, recent research shows that deeply ingrained “best practices” can often either turn women off or gain only minimal support from them. How, then, do fundraisers adapt practices, behaviors, and processes to engage women donors in ways that honor their preferences and inspire their support? Over the course of a women's philanthropy partnership.


The Inclusion Firm’s consultants will help you discover how the research about women's giving applies to your work as well as how women currently support you and what more is possible. With this foundation, we help you create a practical vision based on what you want to accomplish to grow women's influence and support of your institution. We also guide the design of new principles, actions, processes, and behaviors needed to achieve your vision - all tailored to your organization's culture and aspirations. Ultimately our partnership will significantly enhance your fundraising results; those who've embraced the adaptations are raising measurably more support.



What Clients Are Saying...

“Having all campus employees involved in the training and that the facilitators did set the tone of the training as a safe space for comments and conversation.”

“The honest dialogue was so helpful and effective. I really enjoyed this session and have taken more takeaways than any other training I've ever participated in previously.”

"I like the advise of being authentic when discussing these issues. Even if the words come out wrong, the authenticity shows a desire to mend broken, outdated ways of thinking. I believe this will make more people less afraid to talk.”

Learn More About Our Other Courses

We offer a diverse range of training solutions, both in-person and virtual formats to accommodate various learning preferences. Visit our Training + Skills Development page to discover what courses will support your needs.


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